Airport ceo ramp agent remote stand
Airport ceo ramp agent remote stand

Have you ever seen a world leader use a jet bridge? They all love to stand at the top of the stairs and wave to the public. Aviation geeks also favor remote stands as it gives them a great chance to take photographs of the plane they are flying in up close. Small regional jets come with their own set of stairs, so once the plane is parked, you immediately get off and walk a short distance to the terminal, which most likely is also on the ground level. Low-cost airlines like Ryanair do not like to pay to use jet bridges. When being attached and detached from the plane, jet bridges can cause damage if not handled correctly. With a limited number of jet bridges available, it restricts where an aircraft can park. While all the above plus points sound good, jet bridges are not always the answer. Fewer delays leading to more on-time arrivals and departures.Better access for the disabled and people in wheelchairs.More secure as passengers don't have to walk around the apron.Some large international airports even have multiple jet bridges on different levels to service planes like the double-decker Airbus A380. This allows the jet bridge operator to connect the airport to an aircraft's door securely, allowing passengers direct access from the terminal to the plane or vice versa. Permanently attached to the terminal, the jet bridge's end can swing left and right, and up and down. First and foremost, jet bridges provide all-weather dry access to the plane and enhance airport operations' security.

Airport ceo ramp agent remote stand